Civil War Slave Quilts Presentation.
Sharon Zonker a retired teacher, author and long-time Civil War “buff” will present a program on “Civil War Slave Quilts” on May 11 at 6:30PM at the Angola Carnegie Library. Sharon and her husband, Jerry, have been interested in studying and visiting Civil War sites since their marriage. Their honeymoon was spent in Gettysburg. Since retirement, they spend part of the winter in Charleston, SC where the war started 150 years ago this year.
Over the years, Sharon has gathered stories and information focusing on the women and slaves connected with this nation-changing war. Sharon is a quilter and uses quilts to tell the stories she has gathered. While in Charleston she has attended many seminars, toured several plantations, and become acquainted with slave descendants. She shares their stories through her quilts.
Sharon has shared her quilts and stories with groups in Charleston as well as many quilt and historical societies throughout Indiana. This past year she has spoken at the Honeywell Center in Wabash, Marion Library, Tippecanoe Quilters, and at the Morton Center at Purdue University.
Sharon is excited to share new quilts and stories that she has recently completed after this winter’s visit to Charleston. These include slave Josiah Henson, Underground Railroad conductor Catherine Coffin, and an example of a Confederate “gunship” Auction Quilt.
This presentation is being sponsored by Friends of the Library.
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